Okay, so we're all doing it these days. Spending a lot of time looking at those little devices we call Smartphones. Are they really that smart? Well yes, I guess they are pretty smart....in fact I am blown away by what I can do on my Smartphone these days, but that's not really the point of this blog article. Let me rephrase the question - "am I smart in the way I am using my phone?"
Quick story for some context.
So I'm dropping my kids off at school the other day and a bunch of teenagers caught my attention as I drove away. But is wasn't because they were 'up to something'. They weren't doing something bad. In fact they didn't appear to be doing anything at all! There was a line of about 12 teens all dressed in their school uniform leaning against the fence waiting for the bus, not moving.....like they had been frozen in time. Then I looked again and realised that every one of them had their head bowed and eyes gazing into a little screen that sat in the palm of their hand. I wish I had stopped to take a photo cos it was quite a thought-provoking image that still sticks in my head. It is just one portrayal of how we are becoming more and more distracted by our devices.
The other day I saw a disturbing video on Facebook of a lady in an Asian country crossing the road while looking at her phone. Her actions resulted in a tragic outcome after she encountered a large vehicle while crossing that road. Sorry to be so graphic, but seriously what is happening in our world? Is our technology really that important that we can't stop to acknowledge our friends or gauge an apparent danger?
Now, I am just as guilty as the next person at getting distracted by my phone. My love of sport sometimes becomes a little obsessive purely to keep track of a score or how my team is going. But in recent times I am really trying to keep myself more accountable when I am around people. If there is someone in front of me, I have a choice - to engage with them in some way or to rudely ignore them while I get distracted by something else.
That person right in front of me has the opportunity to experience the love and power of God through a simple act of kindness, courtesy, a smile, acknowledgement, a show of appreciation. And these smaller acts often translate to something more significant - a deeper conversation or even an opportunity to pray for someone. These seeds sown may ultimately lead to a life transformed through relationship with Jesus. I simply don't want to miss those opportunities just because I felt there is something more important I need to respond to on my phone.
I am concerned that our obsessions with screens are increasingly isolating us from each other.
I spend a lot less time on Facebook these days, cos I just get more fulfilment out of Face to Face!
Now please don't stone me just yet, I'm not a Social Media hater, but I do believe that we can pursue a healthy balance in how we use it.
As it says in Romans 12, let's make a commitment to "not be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds". And with this in mind our goal is to become more Christ-like in our thinking and attitudes.
Jesus modelled for us how to connect with people. he was so genuinely interested in people and seemed to be able to really focus his attention and love 'one person at a time'. He made good eye contact, shared words of wisdom, healed people, listened to them intently and cared for them.
The more I learn about how Jesus connected with people, the more I want to be like Him.
So today I want to leave you with a simple challenge. Next time you are in a public space and you have your phone with you, prioritise the person 'right in front of you' instead of the phone in your pocket and let God use you to love that person intentionally 'in the moment'. When you do this it acts like a step of faith that releases something through the power of the Holy Spirit. Its just an act of obedience but it can mean so much.
Lets make a stand in this screen age that we live in to 'engage with people' more intentionally, allowing the Holy Spirit to flow through us and into people's lives, representing Jesus to the world.